Da da da DA!!! Introducing..... my new Etsy store, Thready Goodness.This is really a tentative name, since I have recently begun dabbling into things other than just threads and strings. Many people have told me time and time again that I should do this. I never had much success (nor demand for that matter) to consider doing such a sales gig. However, on the request of some, I am compromising and giving this a try (again). On the right side bar, under my "about me" box, you will find a preview of what is currently available on my Etsy store. I want you to understand this is not a comprehensive list, nor is it the only items I am willing to offer. Everyone has to start somewhere, today there happens to be 2 listings. Maybe within the next few months I can add more listings. I am open for suggestions or special requests.
Since I briefly mentioned it above about things other than things with yarn and threads. I have recently discovered the art of handcrafted Lye Soap and candle making! Oh my gosh it is heavenly. The soap is just wonderful and can be fully customized. I am so excited to debut my soap (available soon) on my Etsy store.
As always...
Get creative and Happy Crafting!