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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Into my kitchen..... & Mudslides!

So tonight I took a chance in the kitchen on something that I am not quite used to.... Alcoholic beverages. I don't think I have EVER posted anything about cooking, however it is not a new skill of mine. I love to cook and bake and just about anything else in the kitchen (except cleaning it and washing the dishes!) But tonight I decided maybe I ought to share this with you!

I found this recipe on Allrecipes.com for mudslides the other day. Now I don't happen to have a whole lot of alcohol in the house and I don't particularly want to run to the liquor store to get any specialty drinks either. So I wondered if maybe I could improvise. Sure enough, I found 2 more recipes for the flavored liqueurs needed for the mudslides. The mudslide recipe calls for Irish cream Liqueur and Coffee flavored Liqueur, both of which I was able to improvise slightly with the type of alcohol I had in my house.
In the picture you can see that I used Jose Cuervo Tequila for the coffee liqueur and Crown Royal for the Irish cream (neither one is recommended by the recipes.. however it did nicely). I made these last night, but since we had other things to do I didn't get a chance to test them until tonight. My hubby is a big fan of mudslides and he approves!

So in whatever adventure you choose to purse, please be safe, have fun, and take a chance! If it doesn't work, try to learn from the negatives. Happy Homesteading!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Something for the Gamers....

So this little Link Plushie (from the Legend of Zelda, by Nintendo), has a secret to share with you today....
But before he does... there is some details that you need to know. He had a friend, the Link Amiibo (also by Nintendo). My son just LOVES Amiibos. He plays with them all the time, on his nintendo games, in his imagination, and also as his game piece for Monopoly (the board game). The last time we played monopoly... it is just such a looonngg game, we left it out while we did other things, as we have done so many times before. When we came back home we found out the bitter demise my son's beloved character had suffered.... Our dog ATE Link!!! AHHH!!! (so yea, my kid wanted another amiibo to replace him).
This is all that was left of Link Amiibo
Well... the problem with replacing the Link Amiibo is that all of my son's data (across all his games) and stats belonging to Link will thus be lost.

So now... our little Link Plushie has gained a "soul." His secret is in his bottom. My idea was taken from the Yarn Yoshi Amiibos. In much the same way as the Yarn Yoshi. I broke some seams in the bottom of the Link Plushies, then took the "Amiibo" part of the character (since that was all that was left of Link, and thus the most important part). After removing the beans I was able to place the plastic Amiibo part into the bottom of the Link Plushie and gave new life to both the broken Amiibo character and to the new Link Plushie that my child just HAD to have at the store. and Thus the Link Plushie Amiibo was born. My son is so ecstatic to not loose his info and to have a unique Amiibo.
I hope you enjoyed this little idea... 
Happy Creating!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Homesteading Artistry

I know I have changed the name of my blog a few times in the past. I suppose it is a reflection of my ever evolving sense of crafty/home making skills that I find myself getting into. But this time I suppose the name has become about as inclusive as it could possibly even be for quite a while. So hopefully this will be the last name change for a while. I have updated my Etsy store to reflect the change so readers and shoppers will not get confused or lost during this transition.

Thanks for reading, and Happy crafting (homestead, home making, whatever it is)!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

New items coming soon!

Today I am introducing my newest  item up for sale on my Etsy store page. It is an ear warmer headband.
I have made a few of these in the past and  they seems to be the latest trend. This headband ear warmer is cute and functional. Over the next few weeks I will be posting more items that I'm hoping will attract customers. As always I would like for you to know that you are welcome to request personalized items (whether on my store or not). You may find examples of some of the things I have completed on my Ravelry page. Please visit my store and if you have questions definitely send those on to me so that I may address any concerns.

Happy crafting!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Thready goodness is now on ETSY

Da da da DA!!! Introducing..... my new Etsy store, Thready Goodness.This is really a tentative name, since I have recently begun dabbling into things other than just threads and strings. Many people have told me time and time again that I should do this. I never had much success (nor demand for that matter) to consider doing such a sales gig. However, on the request of some, I am compromising and giving this a try (again). On the right side bar, under my "about me" box, you will find a preview of what is currently available on my Etsy store. I want you to understand this is not a comprehensive list, nor is it the only items I am willing to offer. Everyone has to start somewhere, today there happens to be 2 listings. Maybe within the next few months I can add more listings. I am open for suggestions or special requests.

Since I briefly mentioned it above about things other than things with yarn and threads. I have recently discovered the art of handcrafted Lye Soap and candle making! Oh my gosh it is heavenly. The soap is just wonderful and can be fully customized. I am so excited to debut my soap (available soon) on my Etsy store.

As always...
Get creative and Happy Crafting!